Crafty Conscience
From the files of *More Trouble Than It's Worth* comes my second plarn* bag. It took so many hours to make the plarn and then crochet it into this bag. I'm talking like 40 hours of folding and cutting and connecting and winding plastic to get enough for this larger bag (it … [Read More...]

Recipe to Ease Overwhelm
Sometimes, in spite of all of the self care practice you can muster, your day just goes off the rails. Maybe it's because a bunny chewed through the fuel line on your car. Maybe it's because you didn't get enough sleep. Maybe it's because you took a few … [Read More...]

Inspired by Judith Snow…
This month's SCDot6 post is given over to two dear friends on the occasion of the Celebration of Life for one and the incredibly poetry she inspired in the other. There are hundreds of articles and videos and tributes written by and about Judith Snow. She was … [Read More...]

Self Care Day on the 6th: November 2014
There's something particularly wonderful about old friends. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting new people -- with all of the possibilities ahead and the zing of discovering common connections -- but I treasure the folks that have been on this ride with me for … [Read More...]

Self Care Day on the 6th: July 2014
I don't know about you, but I sometimes get so caught up in trying new stuff -- spreading my wings, looking for opportunities, taking more classes, seeking bigger challenges -- that I need something to snap me back to the old tried and trues that have always nurtured me. … [Read More...]
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