The new weight (143.5 lbs) is accurate! Whoo hooo!
Yeah. That would be some 5.5 pounds under goal weight (which I have officially maintained for 13 months)… but if you have read up on ye olde archives, you will find my constant ponderizing on the ultimate goal weight–and the likelihood of its being under 140.
Some of you might point out that it took me 5 months to lose 39 pounds and over a year to lose the next 5… and you would be right.
Some of you might point out that I have hardly paid attention to the whole fitness/weight thing over the course of 2006… and you would be right.
Some of you might point out that this news is hardly news since I didn’t step on a scale for months and when I did some 3 pounds had magically disappeared… and you would be right.
But that would mean that there are at least 3 people reading this blog… and since there are crickets in the comments box, I gotta assume that ain’t the case.
So, as I am, evidently, writing for future blog readers who will, undoubtedly, be clamoring to know just how I did this losing-of-three-pounds-without-trying magic, here goes…
I kept eating radically reasonable amounts of food and exercised when I could squeeze it in between grad school and home school and trips to see my out-of-town boy (read: a total of about 10 times in the past month).
Oh, and I didn’t do the holiday eating thing. So what if there are piles of chocolate covered somethings everywhere?? I am not hungry so I am not eating it! I did have a cookie or two and an still working on a quart of egg nog*, but I honestly haven’t been tempted to overeat.
Sound too good to be true? A couple of years ago, I would have been stormin‘ the comments with all sorts of whatevers… but it–eat less, move more–works… The catch?? You have to figure out why you are eating more and moving less before it will actually click and stick. My eating was motivated by a stress and depression. Funny, once I spent the 5 years and $15k on therapy, losing some 50 pounds was easy.
Here’s to all the folks who will be starting a new diet for the new year. I am oh, so rooting for you! I remember how impossible losing the weight seemed when I got going, and how amazing it felt to get to goal…
I wish I could blog that feeling.
*Oh my! My sis is a coffee goddess, and taught me the merits of using egg nog in lieu of milk/cream. It is equally outrageous in iced coffee and hot coffee. I am so going to mourn the end of egg nog this year.

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