Hey! Look! Over there…

I was hoping to distract you from the fact that I have stalled out for an entire week in the weight loss thing. I still feel very good about where I am, but when you get into the swing of losing a couple of pounds a week, going this long without a drop feels like an eternity. From what I understand, it isn’t an official plateau unless it stretches for 2-3 weeks. I am hoping I won’t have to report on that phenomenon.

I did get my butt to the gym for workout 65/200 today. I was completely unmotivated to get out the door, but once I got there it was better. I made it 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer before I headed over to the bike to finish up my 36 minutes of cardio. I know I need to get back to lifting, I just don’t feel like it! Since when has that been a viable excuse? It isn’t.

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About Gina Lynette

I have been called a, "PollyAnna, sugar-coated idealist." I like to think of myself as more optimistic than that.


  1. Huh? Look @ what? Where is it?


    You got me distracted. NOT!

    Not feeling like it may not be viable, but it sure comes in handy in a pinch.

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