So, a year ago when I got the wild hair to start a self care day out of a bit of outrage and indigence, I wasn’t sure what it would accomplish. I mean, seriously, it’s just a date on the calendar, right?
Well, yes. It is.
But it’s kind of become my monthly reminder that I can’t save the world — at least not while I’m buried under a pile of “must do” tasks. I’ve mentioned some changes that have occurred in my routine because of self-care day — crochet, candles, and a reorganized calendar among them — but I would love to know if anyone else has noticed a difference.
Do you incorporate self care into your routine in some way? Now if SCDOT6 in particular has been a positive influence in your life, I’d love, love, love to hear all about it. Honestly, even though you may have picked up the habit from some other source, I’m deeply curious about how the simple act of putting yourself on your own calendar has or hasn’t changed things for you.
Oh, and if you haven’t managed to get yourself on the calendar, may I suggest jotting down an item or two to get you started? Pick a day — any day, though I’m fond of the 6th — and set a time to do something just for you.
I double dog dare you!
You might just find yourself with your feet in a pedi-spa, drinking something frozen, and wondering why you didn’t do this before.

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