The one who manages to lose weight over the holidays and is currently weighing in at 147.5 lbs. I wish I could attribute it to methodical exercise and a stellar diet. It is more likely the fact that I have bronchitis and didn’t feel like cooking or eating all of the standard holiday fare.
I will give myself credit, though. I kept myself away from the cases of spiral hams and allowed myself one small piece of pumpkin pie – no whipped cream. The bag of M&Ms; that my wasband left at my house was more than I could manage – and I have managed to down a decent amount of it. So, it needs to go.
Outside of that, things are going along about as well as can be expected. My divorce is final (as of Dec. 21 – it gave a whole new meaning to the solstice) and I am looking to the future.
With 72 hours (or so) left in 2005, I have to admit that it has been a pretty impressive year. Yeah, I lost more than 40 pounds, a husband, and completed a year of school. But more than that, I began the journey of rediscovering myself.
2006 is the year I will either meet the MegaChallenge and complete my 200 workouts – or fall short. It is also the year when I will decide whether to tackle a master’s degree or to head off to a real job or a combination of the two. Lots of growth and changes are in store.
I don’t get into the whole New Year’s Resolutions thing – but I do use the change of the calendar to reassess. My favorite question is: If I could have/do/be anything what would it be? Then I have to ask: What is the first step toward having it? When can I get that step completed? Who will hold me accountable for accomplishing it?
My second favorite question is: What is in my life that I would rather be rid of? Then the same steps apply. It isn’t mindbogglingly difficult to ask, but it can have enormous impact on my life when I bother to actually implement the answers.
- If I could be anything what would it be? A graphic facilitator/life coach. (See Christina’s site and you will have a pretty decent idea of my bliss.)
- What is the first step toward being a life coach? Doing an assessment of my current abilities and the areas which need development.
- When can I get that step completed? By New Year’s.
- Who will hold me accountable? My blog readers.
And on the other side:
- If I could get rid of anything what would it be? The clutter in my house.
- What is the first step toward decluttering? Taking down the holiday decorations.
- When can I get that step completed? By New Year’s.
- Who will hold me accountable? My blog readers.
Okay – so before the ball drops in Time’s Square I will have a list of my current talents and training needs as well as all of my decorations put away.
What are you going to do to get 2006 rolling in the right direction?

your thoughts