Pounds, that is. Getting this close to goal is a little scary. Right now, I am really focused on seeing 149 lbs on the scale. But what happens when I get there? Do I keep going? If so, how far? Will I maintain my new weight or lose motivation and end up back in pushing 200 land?
I realize that mine isn’t a unique struggle. Well, and that is what makes it both easier and more difficult. Easier because I am not alone. More difficult because I have all of the statistics flying around in my head – and I don’t want to be among the 95% of dieters who regain the weight.
I know a big part of the battle is getting into the habit of being healthy – and not just dieting to lose weight. I am trying to keep that focus by setting the 200 workouts goal. Of course, going whole weeks without working out isn’t the way to meet that goal. I also know that beating myself up for not working out isn’t healthy, either.
With all that said, 157 lbs feels great! Wearing size 10 jeans feels fabulous! I am enjoying the rewards of my 4 months of fitness. So, let’s celebrate my half-pound loss by moving the car!

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