After years of seeing the “coincidences” of my life come together to form gorgeous synergies, it should be old hat by now.
It isn’t.
A little background first: over the past couple of years, I have managed to gradually add 15 – 20 pounds back to my frame. There are lots of causes… the world’s most stressful job, several life-altering emergencies, a happy marriage, and lack of focus on my health as I moved through all of these events.
After months of thinking about it, I managed to get past the precontemplation stage and made it to the gym. ::taking bow:: My hope is to get back into the habit of paying attention to my body… exercising, relaxing, eating what nourishes me.
This stage of thinking and planning over the past several months wasn’t simply about my health. It involved gestating several other crossroads initiatives. And the entire time I am working out all of these details, I am feeling a pull to something bigger.
So where’s the synergy?
As I sit on my gorgeous sun porch and work on a variety of projects — all while watching the birds and deer and turkeys wander by — the realization that I am connected to this beautiful planet through more than my laptop keeps poking at me. But how? What project? Where do I put my energies?
I go to my facebook account to check on my pokes and farms and see an invitation from my high school chum, Joseph Phillips. He’s been all giddy for weeks about an project launch of his, and rightfully so.
10 Goals 2010
Joseph’s new project is all about the little ways we contribute to the bigger stuff. He has way more information over at 10 Goals 2010 at the Lifelong Project but the gist is this:
Be kind.
Do good work.
Help others.
Make friends.
Give your time.
Give love.
Achieve goals.
So, Joseph, old pal, I love this idea. I’ll spend some time contemplating how these goals get integrated into my daily routine. Perhaps this is the next phase of the MegaChallenge 200. My impulse is to say I’ll attempt to integrate each of these goals into my yearly 200-times-gets-me-there mentality. I don’t know how that would look yet.
My first goal is to figure that out.

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