Happy Quote

New York Closeup

Detail from Map (1961) by Jasper Johns -- MOMA, New York City -- Photo by Gina Lynette


Their love is worth the same as your love. Their partnership is worth the same as your partnership. And they are equal in your eyes to you. That’s the driving issue.

— Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Marriage Equity


Keepin’ On Keepin’ On…

The scale goddesses were smiling this morning. I am down a half a pound from my pre-trip weight to 161 lbs. So, the TOM/trip bloat theory was accurate. Huey, show the nice people where the car is, now.

Workout 57/200 consisted of 4 hours of walking all over the fair on Monday. I need to relocate the gym, today. Wish me luck. Send a map!

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