No, I didn’t fall completely off of the planet.
I took a job that involved working for an organization that required that I curtail a significant portion of my advocacy/openness/personality. I learned a whole boatload of new skills, made a couple of terrific friends, and discovered that I am much happier when I can openly share what I think and who I am.
So, to catch you up on a whole year’s worth of events, we’ll do the bullet list trick.
- I nearly died on August 6, 2007. Yep, on B’s 9th birthday. Bad timing. Emergency surgery on August 7, 2007 saved me. My best friend nursed me back to health for weeks. I’m all better now.
- I discovered a job opening, interviewed, and was hired between August 16 and September 17, 2007. It was exactly what I hoped for and not what I expected at all. Funny that.
- I moved everything we own a couple of hundred miles over the course of September and October 2007. (See job.) We now live on 6+ acres in a gorgeous part of the world.
- My photo was chosen for the cover of the Breaking Ground Arts issue in September 2007.
- My kids went back to public school in October 2007. (See job. See move.) I relearned all I wanted to forget about Special Education–but discovered that some districts actually want to make it work for everyone.
- I gained a “significant other” in March–or so. He was significant before. Now he lives here. I suppose that makes him super-significant, right?
- Our–his and my together–co-created artwork was exhibited for 2 months in a “solo” (except that we are 2 people) show at our city hall from April – June 2008. It was a surreal experience walking in and seeing 25 pieces of our soul lining the walls of a public building.
- I attended my 6th MegaConference in June 2008.
- My son turned 10 on August 6, 2008. Yes! A decade!
- I gained about 10ish pounds over the course of the year. Stress eating (See job. See move. See kids in school. See incredible cook aka significant other moving in.) does that to me. It’s time to get that gone.
So, sports fans, it is time to get back on the MegaChallenge Bandwagon. I still like the 200 workouts in a year deal. I still like basing it on the MegaConference schedule. That means I would have to kick some major pre-contemplation into gear and get a move on.
We installed a workout room in our basement–so I literally have no excuses for not working out. Well, not any that hold water.
I am also thinking that keeping track of the stuff I eat via fitday would be a good idea.
I am doing a whole lot of thinking.
Time for some doing!

[…] I lived in East Tennessee. When we moved to Middle Tennessee in 2007 — so that I could take that job — we made sure to relocate to a county that has an amazing reputation for including kids with […]