It has not been two months since my last post!
I have thought all sorts of incredibly important and insightful thoughts. Didn’t I post about my 36th birthday party, complete with band and chocolate mousse? No? Well, how about the incredible St Valentine’s weekend at the state park covered in snow? Not that either?? Okay, surely I told y’all all about my real, live, paying client that officially kicked off my life coaching business, right? Right???
Oh, guys, I am so sorry!
It seems the more I have to say the less able I am to drop by ye ole blog and say it.
Well, I will tell you that the blog has proven to be slightly beneficial for my writing career. (I didn’t even know I had or wanted a writing career!) My rant on the language surrounding the Combating Autism Act was picked up by a magazine. It seems that at least one other person thinks it is high time we think about the language we use when discussing diagnosis and disability. I won’t re-rant here. Just wanted to send out a woot! for the record.
And because this entry is officially all over the map and is begging for some sort of cohesiveness, I will end where I began:
As of right now, it has not been two months since my last post.
See y’all in June…

your thoughts